BBB BTL-77 Linkfix Chain Link Tool

★★★★★ ★★★★★
RRP £12.00 Save 25%

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Product ID: 119605

The BBB BTL-77 Linkfix Chain Link Tool offers riders a high quality, resilient tool designed to open and close BBB's BCH-08/09/10/11S SmartLink II chain closing links.


BBB BTL-77 Linkfix Chain Link Tool

Made from high-quality materials with an ergonomic rubber grip; the BBB BTL-77 Linkfix Chain Link Tool is an essential tool for riders using BBB chains. This tool's dual functionality as both an opener and closer of BBB's BCH-08/09/10/11S SmartLink II chain closing links ensures its place as a must-have bit of kit for any rider's toolbox.

A high-quality composition with a durable centre spring, rubber hand grippers and a black finish ensure that this is a tool that is sure to last season after season.


  • Chain link tool with dual function
  • Opens and closes BBB BCH-08/09/10/11S SmartLink II chain closing links

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