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3T Cycling Palladio Pro Seatpost

RRP £74.99 Save 40%

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Product ID: 3TPALLAD-P

Palladio Pro Seatpost


3T Cycling Palladio Pro Seatpost

Palladio is the seatpost that solves the adjustment problem. Palladio lets you set the saddle very precisely – to within a half-degree of rotation – and lock it down securely at exactly the right angle. You can adjust the saddle's fore-and-aft setting in the certainty that this won't compromise saddle angle. The key is the 3T-patented DiffLock™ adjusting mechanism, which ensures there’s no interaction between clamp bolts and saddle support. The bolts don’t need to be torqued down hard to achieve a secure fixing. Even if the bolts were to shake loose, the post can’t let the saddle tip the rider violently off. Light, strong and stable, Palladio is a technical breakthrough offering a practical solution to a longstanding issue.

Note: Palladio fits only saddles with industry-standard 7mm diameter round-section rails. Do not use this seatpost with saddles with oval rails, or rails made of carbon-fibre composites.


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