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FSA Wing Pro Compact Handlebars (White)

RRP £89.95 Save 22%

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The 'compact handlebar' revolution was effectively started with the introduction of FSA's "Wing Pro" design several years ago.


FSA Wing Pro Compact Handlebars (White)

The 'compact handlebar' revolution was effectively started with the introduction of FSA's "Wing Pro" design several years ago. In response to the demands created by modern integrated brake and gear shifting levers, their design team set about adressing the commonly criticised drop and reach dimensions of "traditional" bends. These bars encourage a more natural transition from hood to bar and are extremely comfortable. Anyone experiencing issues with reach to the brake lever or faced with a drop position that is simply too extreme to use regularly would do well to consider this popular bar.


  • Double butted and tapered AL7050
  • Polished white finish with textured lever clamp areas
  • 34mm Ergo flat top
  • 120mm wide centre round section makes it easy to mount accessories
  • 125mm drop, 80mm reach
  • 2° outward bend
  • Approximate weight: 330 grams (42cm c/c)

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