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Morgan Blue Anti Corrosion Oil 400ml

RRP £9.95 Save 10%

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Product ID: AR00006

Perfect as a preventative measure or to loosen corroded parts, the Morgan Blue Anti Corrosion Oil 400ml is a must have for any cycle fanatic.


Morgan Blue Anti Corrosion Oil 400ml

Not all of us have the time to keep our bikes sparkling clean, so it is a relief to know that with this Morgan Blue Anti Corrosion Oil 400ml there is something out there to help us.

Perfect as a preventative measure to protect against rust or corrosion. Even when it looks like it might be too late, this spray is fantastic for loosening off rusted bolts and screws.

Simply spray, allow to soak then go to work. Heavily corroded parts may require an extra application, but given enough time and Morgan Blue will get it done.

Please note: We cannot ship these items overseas.


  • 400 ml
  • Anti-corrosive
  • Prevents rust
  • Lubricant
  • Ideal for undoing rusted parts

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