Pharmacie Coffee Roasters


Pharmacie Coffee Roasters may sit in relative obscurity on an industrial estate just outside of Lewes but as Alex and Amy found out, it really is a gem for cyclists on the hunt for coffee. Discover the route the pair rode as part of this latest Soigneur instalment.

Describing themselves as 'an independent micro roasters', Pharmacie is far from your standard coffee vendor. The guys at Pharmacie source high grade arabica coffee from around the world and roast carefully in their Lewes facilities, on the edge of the South Downs. As well as roasting, the team has set up a delightful cafe area, so as well as enjoying a brew, you can also kick back with a cake or a savoury snack.

Cakes at Pharmacie

Easy to access, either from the centre of Lewes, the South Downs path or via the criss-cross of beautiful lanes, Pharmacie may be tucked away but should you veer off the well-trodden path, you will be rewarded with a fantastic start, mid or end ride stop.

Want to know more about Pharmacie Coffee Roasters? Find out more about them here.

For this entry in our Soigneur guide, Brighton locals, Alex and Amy headed to Pharmacie using a coastal loop, that took in some of the south coast's most picturesque views. Check out the route here.

Here's what Alex and Amy had to say:

"The perfect mid ride spot to sip brews and soak in the cliff top views. Pharmacie coffee is like no other." - Amy

"Nestled in the chalk cliffs of Lewes, Pharmacie is my ‘go to’ for a prescription dosage of caffeine. Unparalleled taste and texture. It never disappoints." - Alex

Amy Castelli Espresso Clothing

Complementary tones and a fit that is perfect for those summer miles, Amy wore Castelli Espresso clothing, an ABUS helmet, Oakley sunglasses and Fizik shoes. She rode a Specialized Tarmac Road Bike.

Shop Amy's look

Alex Castelli Espresso

The Castelli Espresso range comes in both men's and women's cuts, with Alex choosing the former and combined it with a helmet from Giro and sunglasses from Oakley. He rode a Cannondale SuperSix Road Bike.

Shop Alex's look

How to find Pharmacie Coffee Roasters

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